What first got you into music? 

Music had a powerful healing element to me as a child. I knew I wanted to give other people what music gave to me. I love singing, always have… it was an instant vibration lift for me.  I got a letter in the mail about a local contest, I entered… and from there another, and then nationals, and then another show, and so on until my career just Dominoed into clarity and alignment and I knew for sure what I would do…. truthfully I knew even before I went on stage for the first time. 

Who inspired you to make music?

 When I was a baby I remember being completely enthralled by Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins… The way he could sing and dance and act and brought joy to people… he just seemed to love what he did. I wanted to do that . I loved singing along to Disney movies… putting on shows, singing and dancing, it just made me feel full of joy… whether anyone was watching or not made no difference to me. I love the craft. 

How would you describe the music that you typically create? 

The music I make evolves with where I am in my life and what story I want to tell. That can be something that is inspiring, something true, or just something that makes me happy, but always something that feels good to sing.

Can you discuss a career achievement you’re aiming for?

 Ultimately I want my music to bring people joy. A physical symbol of this is of course.. a Grammy… but for me it’s what the Grammy represents. It is a symbol of all the years of dreaming, all the hard work, and the time I’ve put-in paying off… Beyond that I really just want my music to reach people on a mass scale and that music to have an uplifting effect on people… a Grammy would symbolize all of those things. 

How do you overcome writer’s block?

 Go out and live. You can find inspiration in anything if you’re looking for it.  Collaborating with other writers also helps…  one idea leads to inspiration for another and we bounce off of each other in a fun, creative way. It’s a quick and easy way for me to get over writer’s block. 

What album do you recommend everyone should listen to? 

Miseducation of Lauryn Hill is a great album. It’s Fun to sing, poppy enough to reach far and Wide, and the lyrics are SO good. It was way ahead of its time, doesn’t date, and if you listen carefully, it almost sounds like a gospel album.  One of the greatest, most inspired albums of all time. 

Can you share one of your favorite music-related memories? 

I have so many! To pick one… 

every year my family has a weekend-long reunion where we all stay in cabins at a campsite. A few of my family members get out their guitars when it starts getting dark and we all sing and dance together outside the mess hall, usually around a campfire. It’s just good old-fashioned, pressure-free good time. 

What’s your go-to song or artist when you need a boost? 

It depends on what kind of boost… in general I’ll listen to Y2K and throw-back playlists on Spotify.  I learned recently that music that comes out during your youth has been shown to decrease depression… which makes sense because songs that came out when I was really little are my default jams. I think music can be a time stamp of sorts. If I want to sing… Celine, Mariah, Christina, Jessie J… or for an energy boost anything  from lil Wayne to  Rihanna to Shania and Faith Hill… they all give me  a different kind of boost…just depends on my mood.

Do you have a favorite venue to play at or attend concerts? 

I don’t know if I have a favorite. I performed at White Party and shared the same stage as Ariana and Gaga a few years back, that was pretty Epic… it was a day party and everyone was having so much fun and there were so many people just scream-singing the music and it made me feel so connected. 

Who would you swap lives with for a day in the music industry?

 No one. As cheesy as it sounds, wherever I am is where I am, and when I get to where I want to be, I want it to be me feeling it for the first time. 

What’s your favorite music decade and why? I love the late 90’s and 2000’s because it reminds me of childhood and those songs often come with a memory attached. I also loved the production… The vocals didn’t sound so overproduced as it is these days and the women in pop and pop/country were profound. 

What’s a truly unforgettable concert you’ve attended? 

I recently went to Odessa. The visuals and overall artistry blew my mind. The technology that is available now makes the possibilities for visuals and sound together almost completely limitless. It really opened my mind up for my shows in the future. 

Tell me about your most recently released song.

My most recently released song is called Monster. It’s a fun self-loving anthem about someone who comes across an obstacle or some form of contrast in life, faces it head-on and becomes a better, stronger version of themselves for it. 

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