What first got you into music?
I grew up with it, my father was a jazz musician so I was really lucky to be around it all the time! I would be backstage often when he was performing when I was a child. I had a lot of musicians on my mother’s side of the family as well so it really was something I was exposed to from birth.

Who inspired you to make music?
My father for sure, seeing him perform and create always inspired me. I used to pretend to play the keys the way he did.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?
I like to describe it as Electronic R&B but with my own little twist. I like music of all genres so I tend to cross-reference a lot.

Can you discuss a career achievement you’re aiming for?
Touring! I am really excited to do that. I’ve played all around New York which in itself has been a huge achievement but I’d love to take it to another level at some point.

How do you overcome writer’s block?
Truly, I just allow it to happen. I’ve learned that we hit blocks for a reason and I let them happen. One day I’ll be listening to an unfinished song and I’ll hear the melody again or change it and all of a sudden I’ll get a flow going again.

What album do you recommend everyone should listen to?
I feel like a broken record with this one but I never mind repeating it because these are some great albums – Songs for You by Tinashe, Magic 8ball by Mac Ayres and FW14 by Christian Rich. There’s so many more but at this current moment these all pop up in my head. Especially Songs for You, a criminally underrated album.

Can you share one of your favorite music-related memories?
When I did one of my first shows it was actually in Maria Hernandez Park. A bunch of friends came to support and it meant so much – we had such a good time. We didn’t have a permit so the police were around, they were cool with us performing though so we just went on and did it. My friend Chrrry put it together!

What’s your go-to song or artist when you need a boost?
Kaytranada most definitely.

Do you have a favorite venue to play at or attend concerts?
I really enjoy playing at Pianos and Arlene’s Grocery. I’d love to play at Elsewhere at some point too. To attend concerts – Brooklyn Mirage has been one of my favorites.

Who would you swap lives with for a day in the music industry?
Truly, I’m not sure!

What’s your favorite music decade and why?
80s. I love 80s music. The synthesizers, the song structure, new wave, there’s just something about it. I’ve always been a big 80s fan. I think playing Vice City growing up helped with that too.

What’s a truly unforgettable concert you’ve attended?
I went to the Renaissance Tour in 2023, that was a great time. I went to high school with one of the dancers so it was also really amazing seeing her on stage.

Tell me about your most recent released song
My most recent song is a remix of my song Slow which I originally released in 2020. My friend Janelovesu! remixed it and really added a new style and flair to the song which I love.

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