What first got you into music?

I was , and still am, a dedicated fan first. A lot of people regard the 90’s as a “Golden Era” for rap music. This is when I was coming of age as an early teenager. During my most impressionable age, this incredible music phenomenon was occurring. I got into writing rhymes and performing just for the sheer sensation of doing it. I wanted to show myself and everyone around me that I was a part of this movement.

Who inspired you to make music?

I’m inspired by the dopeness around me. I keep my ear to the street and in the game. I am always looking for something new and solid. The fact I always hear something cold out here, that keeps me motivated to make something good myself.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

I would describe it as independent, modern,yet classical raw Hip Hop. There are strong doses of funk and 70’s /80’s musical sensibilities as well. Definitely interesting and entertaining.

Can you discuss a career achievement you’re aiming for?

I want to be a regular staple in the festival circuit. I want to tour Europe and Japan. That would be huge for me. There are artist’s who hit those festivals 4 times a year, tour and drop merch, and are financially stable. That is the place I am heading.

How do you overcome writer’s block?

You have to be in a relaxed, open minded place. Regular physical activity matched with real nutrition and medicinal grade weed all can help. I throw in some regular meditation. The key thing is you cannot force creative juices to flow. You become the flow when you achieve a certain state of mind.

What album do you recommend everyone should listen to?

Not so much one album, but I would suggest being familiar with George Clinton and Parliament. Anything in that catalog gives you every genre of music executed in the best fashion. You hear soul, rock, gospel, everything Black and beautiful in music is there for you.

Can you share one of your favorite music-related memories?

Anytime I was booked for Final Friday’s in Deep Ellum, that was straight fire performances I gave the people. Those shows made me feel like I could really get busy on stage. Those are memories I truly cherish.

What’s your go-to song or artist when you need a boost?

Anything from Wu-Tang Clan. That is always perfect for the gym or just getting motivated in a truly ill, hyped up fashion.

Do you have a favorite venue to play at or attend concerts?

Three Links in Dallas and Aisle 5 in Atlanta. Those are my 2 favorite places to play. I wish I could get out to ATL more often, but in spite of that I just try and stay present in the scene in downtown Dallas and Deep Ellum.

Who would you swap lives with for a day in the music industry?

I would love to be Jimmy Iovine. I would take a day to earmark thousands upon thousands of dollars toward progressive, inspiring, out cold, well executed Black music. We need a boost in style and imagery that goes against the grain more.

What’s your favorite music decade and why?

The 70’s is my heart. That was the best fashion, music and film that I have experienced.

What’s a truly unforgettable concert you’ve attended?

Flying Lotus came to Southside Ballroom a few years back. The brother did a 3D show with an introduction short film by David Lynch. The energy and music was insane. That show inspired me like I was a kid all over again. It was just a flat out great time.

Tell me about your most recent released song

I am still promoting “DARTH VADER TINT” to the fullest. I have 3 more visuals on the way as well. I am stuck on pushing “DARTH VADER TINT” so tough because it represents the album so well. They say it is easier to get someone to listen to just one song as opposed to a whole project. So, I want the best song, my favorite, to stay in rotation for as long as possible.

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